Tucson Arizona seeks to stay out of the cities that are “sanctuary of the second amendment”

Category: Uncategorized
Published: 2021-07-09
Tucson Arizona seeks to stay out of the cities that are “sanctuary of the second amendment”

TUCSON – Officials from the city of Tucson, Arizona, are planning to keep this town out of those cities considered a “sanctuary of the Second Amendment,” which prohibits state and local governments from enforcing certain federal regulations on the use of firearms. fire.

This decision is made by Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and the City Council, who are against the Republican-led agreement on how it regulates the sale and use of weapons.

The determination led by Romero may lead to a judicial confrontation of those localities that are not in favor of declaring themselves firearms shelters.

This city maintains its position of enforcing strict adherence to the state’s gun laws, which includes the obligation to verify the background of pistols purchased in city establishments, as well as the destruction of these artifacts once they have been seized.

In April, Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill declaring Arizona a Second Amendment Sanctuary, which for some was a response to the triumph of Joe Biden who pledged to have stricter regulations on the handling of firearms.

A growing movement of at least 1,200 local governments have declared secluded sanctuaries from state and federal gun laws since 2018, when high-profile mass shootings prompted stricter regulations. Many are symbolic, but some have legal force.

In addition to Arizona, a handful of other legislatures, including those in Kentucky, Tennessee and Wisconsin, jumped at the idea this year when Biden took office. During his campaign, Biden vowed to enact universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons, among other measures.

In June, Tucson was enacted for continuing to enforce all federal gun laws.

On this issue, Councilor Steve Kozachik presented the resolution last month and said he believes the new state law is unconstitutional, and considered that those who want to make a sanctuary “simply crossed the line.”

“They have no right to violate the Constitution of the United States in an effort to turn this into a weapon in every corner of a state,” he said.

He added that Arizona law indicates that the state is not obliged to respect the country’s gun laws and prohibits any personal or financial recourse to enforce, administer, or cooperate with any act, law, treaty, order, rule, or regulation of the Government. of the United States that is inconsistent with anywhere in Arizona on the regulation of firearms.

Federal statistics indicate that Arizona ranks 15th in the firearm-related death rate.

It is important to know that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right of the inhabitants of this country to own and bear arms, it also establishes that neither the Federal Government nor the state and local ones can infringe the right to carry them.

Alberto Cisneros is a merchant of typical Mexican products who is located in South Texas and says that he sometimes sells his crafts in cities in New Mexico and Arizona and although he knows that in the state of the lone star it is legal to carry arms, it is more It is common to see people in Arizona carry guns and have them in plain sight.

He commented that he has seen how citizens carry their weapons and to a certain extent he does not feel so safe, because he does not know if there may be a misunderstanding that leads to the use of these devices.