55 investment projects are negotiated for Sonora

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-13

CIUDAD OBREGÓN – 55 investment projects are being negotiated by authorities of Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico of the State of Sonora for this 2019, although it is unknown how many of these plans are projected for the south of the State.

Leonardo Ciscomani Freaner, undersecretary of Desarrollo Económico of the State, estimated that at least between 12 and 15 of the projects will be completed, although it is unknown for which area of the entity it will be.

“We are working very hard to achieve the investment, which correspond to areas such as space, electronics and mining, these are strategic areas of the State of Sonora,” he added.

The advantages that the 55 prospects see in the state are: proximity to the United States and the presence of the port of Guaymas, which would facilitate the exit of various products by sea, and that despite the statistics Sonora continues to be a safe state for investment.

Source: El Imparcial