NadBank grants US$36 million for the construction of a medical complex in California

Category: News
Published: 2023-11-28
NadBank grants US$36 million for the construction of a medical complex in California

CALIFORNIA – The North American Development Bank (NADBank) and Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc. a California-based non-profit organization, announced the signing of a US$36 million credit agreement for the design, construction and operation of a sustainable medical complex in Imperial, California.

The medical complex, to be located in the heart of the city of Imperial, will include an outpatient clinic, senior care center, pharmacy and parking garage. The project will be built in accordance with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification criteria.

“NADBank is very excited to collaborate with Innercare on this sustainable medical complex that will increase quality medical services for communities with few primary care providers,” said Calixto Mateos Hanel, NADBank’s chief executive officer. “This project has the key characteristics that NADBank looks for in a project, including the sustainable use of natural resources and, most importantly, a positive impact on the quality of life for the residents of Imperial and the surrounding areas.”

“This project will not only save water and electrical energy consumption and reduce the carbon footprint by incorporating efficient building materials and equipment, but will also generate about 350 direct and indirect permanent jobs and revenue during construction and operation,” said John Beckham, NADBank’s deputy managing director.

“In addition to reducing electricity demand by 25% and water consumption by 43% compared to a conventional building, the facility will provide relief from high temperature exposure for seniors,” added Salvador Lopez Cordova, NADBank’s executive director of Environmental Affairs.

Once operational, the medical complex is expected to achieve an approximate 43% reduction in water consumption, equivalent to 286,399 gallons (1,084.1 m3) per year, as well as an approximate 25% reduction in electrical energy consumption, compared to international standards for a conventional building with similar operating characteristics. The energy savings will contribute to avoiding the emission of approximately 59,951 kg/year of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants.

“Innercare is proud to collaborate with the North American Development Bank in creating a sustainable health oasis in the heart of Imperial County,” said Yvonne Bell, president and CEO of Innercare. “This Medical Complex Project exemplifies our commitment to providing the highest quality services while being responsible to our environment. Together with NADBank, we are not only improving access to healthcare services, but we are also setting new standards for sustainable building and construction in our community.”

The medical complex is scheduled to begin construction in early 2024 and is expected to be operational in 2026.