US$60 billion will be invested in road network in Chihuahua

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-12

CHIHUAHUA – The minister of Comunicaciones y Obras Publicas, Gustavo Elizondo Aguilar and the general director of the SCT Center, Julio César Huerta Flores, had a weekly meeting to review their respective 2019 work and investment programs.

In this meeting they agreed to join efforts and wills to improve the road network in the state and promote economic development.

The officials reviewed the road network of federal and state jurisdiction, the sections that include road trust and the non-trust, feeders and rural roads, with particular interest of both parties in the routes where it is necessary or urgent to invest in reconstruction and maintenance to restore its level of trafficability and service.

Elizondo Aguilar reported that this year they will invest US$60 billion in works on toll roads, feeder roads and the network of municipal roads.

