CHIHUAHUA – Entrepreneurs of the entity formed the association “Chihuahua Global” to direct a strong strategy to promote the competitive advantages of the state that allows attracting greater national and foreign investment, informed the Chihuahua’s President of Economic Development Sergio Mendoza Vidal.
He informed that large industrial promotion firms, businessmen and others aligned with smart specialization strategies such as Chihuahua Futura and Frente Norte de Ciudad Juárez are involved, which seek to attract higher value-added industries, celebrate conversions and generate greater technological development.
“The business sector made an introspection in terms of attracting investment and came to the conclusion that we were short, but decisions have already been made and work is being done on this new quite ambitious effort,” he said.
He said that other entities have their competitive advantages and exemplified that 70% of the population lives in the center of the country, which is a large market and has a wider range of supplies and services than Chihuahua.
He added that perhaps as local entrepreneurs they left everything to the authorities and lacked a little more participation in investment promotion in past years, and this is what Chihuahua Global is trying to correct.
Sergio Mendoza said that they are aware there is a need for greater promotion of competitive advantages to attract investment, and they are working hard to get ahead with this new organization.
He explained that it is necessary to honestly define what are the comparative advantages with other regions of the country and the world.
He reported that this organization has aroused a lot of interest, which supports with quotas from private sector companies and there is interest, with resources contributed to the association, which denotes a lot of interest and a lot of effort made.
Promoters such as Intermex, American Industries and Intel, among others, are involved, so there is a lot of experience and good will, as well as a very clear direction of where they are going and where they want to go.
Finally, he indicated that they will seek to attract foreign direct and national investment, as well as paying the highest added value management promoting the arrival of capital and local joint ventures.
Source: El Heraldo de Chihuahua