Aerospace industry grows in Chihuahua City

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-11

CHIHUAHUA – The executives of Fokker /GKN received the executives of Coorporativo GKN / Fokker Aerospace Mexico, in order to formalize the start production of the Airbus A320 Shroud Box and the transfer of advanced materials manufacturing (Composites) for Gulfstream in Chihuahua.

This expansion is another example of Chihuahua Capital’s economic growth and a reference for the municipality’s increased competitiveness.

During the visit, attendees toured the Fokker/GKN Chihuahua plant, located in Parque Industrial Sur de Chihuahua to know more about the details of the processes carried out inside this aerospace company.

Fokker/GKN Aerospace is a success case of Chihuahua’s industry, as it manufactures aerospace parts for Gulfstream, Cessna, Airbus, Dassault, Boeing and exports to the United States, Canada and some European countries.

Currently, Fokker Chihuahua has about 150 employees and contemplates the construction of a new plant in the city in 2020.