Arizona solar jobs down 10% in 2018

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-14

ARIZONA – The U.S. solar industry employs 242,343 workers as of 2018, a decline of nearly 8,000 solar jobs (3.2 percent) compared to 2017, according to the National Solar Jobs Census 2018, released today by The Solar Foundation.

In Arizona, there were 7,524 solar jobs in 2017, a drop of 10 percent from the 8,381 solar jobs in 2018.

This marks the second year in a row that solar jobs have declined after seven years of steady growth. At the same time, solar jobs increased in 29 states in 2018, including in many states with emerging solar markets.

The Solar Foundation, a nonprofit educational and research organization, issues the National Solar Jobs Census each year to provide comprehensive and reliable data on the U.S. solar workforce. Overall, solar employment has grown 1595 since the first Census was released in 2010, adding nearly 150,000 well-paying jobs across all 50 states.