Arzyz prepares new investment in Nuevo Leon

Category: News
Published: 2015-07-24

Roberto Margain Santos, Director of Arzyz, company dedicated to the non-ferrous alloys production and marketing, said that the company closed the 2014-2016 period with an investment of US$60 million. He reported that they plan to invest up to US$600 million by 2021, divided into three investment modules of US$200 million each to start making higher-added-value parts for the automotive and aerospace industries.

Ramiro Montero, President of the Mexican Aluminum Institute (Inmedal), noted that this industry generates 100 thousand direct jobs and one million indirect jobs in Mexico. Arzyz´ former President, Edgar Allan Rangel Cordoba emphasized that the aluminum displaces the steel industry in sectors such as automotive: “There are vehicles like the Ford F-150 pickup truck or some Land Rover units, which are already fully manufactured in aluminum base”, stressed Mr. Rangel.

Source: El Norte