Automotive Industry breaks record in production and export in Mexico

Category: News
Published: 2016-01-12

The Automotive Industry registered an historical record in vehicles production and export in Mexico in 2015. According to Eduardo Solis Sanchez, President of the Mexican Association of Automotive Industry (AMIA), 3,399,076 vehicles were produced in Mexico and 2,758,896 units were exported, representing an increase of 5.6% and 4.4% on 2014, respectively.

He also informed that the local production recorded a 6.9% growth with 222,941 units manufactured in December 2015 and a 5.9% growth with 206,651 vehicles exported, compared to December 2014. It is expected that the sector exceed the 5 million units produced by 2020, pointed Mr. Solis Sanchez. He added that those figures contributed with a favorable trade balance in this sector with US$44.46 billion from January to December 2015.
