Baja California to receive economic increase for investment programs in 2019

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-15

BAJA CALIFORNIA – The federal government is to grant Baja California a strong economic increase for investment programs and projects to be executed in 2019, according to the Centro de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas (CEFP).

In this sense, the CEFP of the Cámara de Diputados says that, under the Assignments for Programs and Investment Projects for Baja California of 2019, there is a real annual increase of 254.7%, compared to 2018.

In absolute terms, the state had an increase of US$210 million for this year, meaning that the amount of resources assigned is of US$293 million. In contrast, last year’s resources amounted to US$81 million.

However, the increase that the entity will receive is due to the allocation of 71% of federal resources to the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) for maintenance of thermoelectric combined cycle generating units and new technology turbogas.

Moreover, the vehicular bridges of the Mexicali-Río Nuevo border crossing are to receive US$7.7 million.

Source: Monitor Economico