Baja California will boost shrimp industry

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-25

ENSENADA – With an investment of US$470,360, plus US$182,918 to be applied in the coming months, this year will conclude the works of Centro de Aclimatación de Larvas de Camarón en el valle de Mexicali, which will promote shrimp farming in that region.

The head of Secretaría de Pesca y Acuacultura (Sepescabc), Matías Arjona Rydalch, reported that he signed an agreement with Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), for the technical validation of the facilities, so the State has already budgeted an additional investment of US$52,233.

Arjona Rydalch noted that for more than two decades, began the creation of  aquaculture production units in the Mexicali Valley, dedicated to shrimp farming, whose permanence and growth expectations require healthy biological input (larva), in order to make their yields more efficient.

The building has facilities for administrative offices, dormitory, sanitary services, perimeter fence, water reservoir and pond, among other elements, planned to meet the objectives required.

Source: El Vigía