Chihuahua, an attractive destination for investments and growth

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-02

With a total of 30 investments, expansions and industrial constructions during 2018, Chihuahua is positioned as an attractive destination for the establishment of export manufacturing companies in the country.

According to numbers from Promotora de la Industria Chihuahuense and the State Government, during 2018 there was registered a total of 3.1 million square feet of gross industrial absorption in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua City.

In Ciudad Juarez 1.3 million square feet were for expansion and 1.5 million square feet were for new operations, giving a total of 2.8 million.

Meanwhile, in Chihuahua 223,997 square feet were expansions and 60,000 square feet were for new operations, giving a total of 283,997 square feet.

According to data provided, some of the most important operations recorded in Ciudad Juarez during 2018 were: Contec, with a 270,000 square feet space, and Jusda Logistic, with 126,372 square feet.