Chihuahua is the national leader in cotton production

Category: News
Published: 2019-01-30

Chihuahua occupies the 13th place in cotton production worldwide and the 1st place at national level with more than 1 million tons per year, which are grown in another 6 states of northern Mexico.

According to Red Chihuahua, in 2018 the number of hectares for cotton cultivation in Chihuahua rose to 77%, from 96,000 in 2017 to about 170,000 in 2018. Production in the northern state also rose from 700,000 bales to more than 1.2 million bales.

In this regard, Diego Torres, general manager of Unión Algodonera Moctezuma, said that soil conditions in the center of Chihuahua generates a cotton of such high quality and resistance that it is sold to customers who work for world-class brands such as Italian Armani, U.S. Nike and German Adidas.

According to Torres, international firms such as the ones mentioned, elaborate their fabrics with Mexican cotton and then send them to Asia to make their clothes.