China seeks to increase investment in Tijuana

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-11

TIJUANA – Chinese entrepreneurs from the province of Shandong visited Tijuana in order to learn more about what the city has to offer, and invest in local industry to take advantage of the deals and geographical proximity to the world’s largest market, the United States.

This was announced by the minister of Desarrollo Económico de Tijuana (Sedeti), Bernabé Esquer, who was present during a meeting held with authorities at Cámara Nacional de Comercio (Canaco) Tijuana.

In addition to the geographical position, air connectivity and industrial infrastructure, the fact that Mexico and China are commercial allies through the Integral and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), facilitates the exchange between the two nations.

“We had investments from Asia worth more than US$88 million last year. This year we are waiting for five more companies, we are in talks with them, and we believe we will reach the goal this year,” Mr. Esquer explained.

Source: Unimexicali