Chinese Company arrives to Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2016-04-13

A Chinese company that could invest more than US$200 million and generate 1,000 direct jobs, is about to make a decision to be established in Coahuila, informed Jose Antonio Gutierrez Jardon, Head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Competitiveness and Tourism.

“This is about a company that has formerly visited the State and we think that is the appropriate to be established in the Central region of Coahuila, however, investors have the final decision. This is a diversified firm, due that it has both automotive as metal-mechanic production”, expressed Mr. Gutierrez Jardon. On the other hand, he also said that a delegation of Coahuila will travel to South Korea and China with the objective of ensuring investments of companies interested in establishing their plants in the State.

Source: Zocalo Saltillo