Ciudad Juarez will export to Malaysia and Taiwan

Category: News
Published: 2016-08-08

The Juarez-based company Seisa, just reached an agreement to start shipping catheters made in this city, out to Taiwan and Malaysia. This was accomplished thanks to a strategy made by ProMexico’s counselors visiting Ciudad Juarez from Asian regions who also expressed that there is great a high demand for medical products overseas

The Juarez-based company Seisa, just reached an agreement to start shipping catheters made in this city, out to Taiwan and Malaysia. This was accomplished thanks to a strategy made by ProMexico’s counselors visiting Ciudad Juarez from Asian regions who also expressed that there is great a high demand for medical products overseas, thus opening a new market for the Firm. Carlos Alberto Yates, Director of ProMexico Chihuahua, said that a mission to promote products for export is fully planned. Jose Flores, ProMexico’s counselor in Malaysia, added that there is high demand for meat products, as well as electronics and auto parts, in this Asian region. The Japan-based officers opened a new scheme to trade auto parts, as this is one of the strongest segments in the zone.