Coahuila captivates South Korean companies

Category: News
Published: 2016-09-08

The Governor of Coahuila, Ruben Moreira Valdez, is presiding over a commercial mission in South Korea, with the objective of formalizing possible investment projects to create more and better jobs in the State.

Work meetings with Chair Executives from the automotive sector have been scheduled. These companies are suppliers for Kia Motors, General Motors and Mando. The Coahuila delegation met with the secretary of ProMexico’s commercial section in this Asian country, Laura Frias, as well as representatives from two automotive companies that are interested in becoming established in Coahuila, and to such an extent, different areas of the State have been surveyed; moreover, the delegation also met with representatives from a company that produces sustainable energy sources, and who is inquiring about this State.

Source: Zocalo Saltillo