Coahuila Pact has been signed to improve working conditions in the state

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-07

COAHUILA – State authorities, along with 38 municipalities, signed the Coahuila Pact to improve state labor conditions.

The governor of the state of Coahuila, Miguel Riquelme Solis, said that this agreement heads the commitments posed by the challenges of globalization, the Free Trade Agreement, Labor Reform underway and productivity.

He emphasized that the sum of wills to maintain economic development and labor peace allowed the signing of Acuerdo Tripartito Diálogo Social y Trabajo Decente por un Coahuila Estable y Productivo, between the state government, workers and employers.

With this signature, Coahuila is the first entity in the country to count with such agreements, making it a reference in Mexico and Latin America, said the governor of Coahuila.

Source: 20minutos