Coahuila receives more investments

Category: News
Published: 2016-03-01

Juan Enrique Leal Saenz, partner of the Mexico’s Entrepreneurial Centre, said that they helped Kodaco to arrive to Coahuila and are currently negotiating the establishment of two new plants belonging to the automotive and aerospace sector, which represent a total investment of US$350 million and the generation of 500 new jobs, each.

These companies are interested in the Saltillo-Ramos Arizpe region, due to its geographical location and closeness to Monterrey and its human resource. However, Mr. Leal Saenz added that they also evaluate the States of Nuevo Leon, Queretaro and Yucatan. Their main option is to be established in Coahuila, but the announcement of the projects will be finally disclosed next November.

Source: Vanguardia