Coahuila seeks to attract Asian investment

Category: News
Published: 2016-05-13

The Government of the State of Coahuila disclosed, after completing its most recent promotion tour through Asia, that the arrival of a new Korean supplier will be announced soon, as negotiations with investors are still underway.

Jose Antonio Gutierrez Jardon, Secretary of Economic Development, Competitiveness and Tourism, explained that officers were following up on several projects. “In a few weeks, we will be announcing an investment plan from Korea; we are also in the final stretch of negotiations with another company from the automotive sector, a connectors manufacturer”. The delegation visited again the headquarters of Mando, a company that is planning to establish three or four suppliers in the South Eastern region of the State. About the China trip, Mr. Gutierrez Jardon says they met with representatives from one automotive and one aerospace company that might soon be arriving to Coahuila.

Source: Zocalo Saltillo