Coahuila strengthens its hospitals with US$1.8 million

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-12

SALTILLO, COAH. – Medical equipment was delivered to Hospital General de Saltillo with a value of around US$1.8 million, and which forms part of a US$5.1 million exchange for strengthening the state’s hospitals.

The governor of Coahuila, Miguel Angel Riquelme Solis, congratulated the State Health Sector, because a year after setting as a goal a financial reengineering and the institution itself, today it is bearing fruit; he noted that this reengineering brought the delivery of more than 26 ambulances throughout the state.

For his part, Roberto Bernal Gomez, minister of Secretaría de Salud of Coahuila, reported that this investment will strengthen sensitive areas of the nosocomial such as operating rooms, x-rays, intensive care, hospitalization, emergencies and outpatient consultation. 

“In addition to this year, with this modern and innovative equipment of our hospitals, key programs for Secretaría de Salud and Gobierno de Coahuila will be strengthened,” said Bernal Gomez.


source: El Heraldo de Coahuila