Coahuila will invest around US$51.8 million in public safety

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-28

COAHUILA – The state administration plans to invest around US$51.8 million in public security this year, without counting police salaries, more than US$31 million will go towards the purchase of 1,300 video surveillance cameras and the remodeling of control centers, announced Coahuila Governor Miguel Riquelme Solís

Riquelme Solís explained that next week will be announced the mechanism for buying cameras, as well as the necessary software. He announced as well that initially the purchase of 1,100 urban cameras was contemplated, however, the number increased to 1,300 cameras.

“We will let people know absolutely everything about the entire mechanism, the acquisition of software and the remodeling of the control centers and the cost in general,” he said.

Source: Vanguardia