Disinterest discarded at Tamaulipas’ border

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-07

TAMAULIPAS – The undersecretary of Promoción de Inversiones in Tamaulipas, Sergio Luis Garcia Badiola, just ruled out any lack of interest by betting on the border, after entrepreneurs in Nuevo Laredo draw attention to fiscal changes issues.

For example industry doesn’t enter into a scheme of reducing VAT to 8% and ISR to 20%, but it must pay double, even though this will not affect the interest to settle in the border strip.

“There is still interest, we are seeing the changes and the same entrepreneurs are seeing the benefits they could have, but we continue to grow, we have seen that, in companies that are expanding,” said Garcia Badiola. He mentioned as well that Promoción de Inversiones had the chance to talk with Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora y Manufacturera de Exportación (Index) of Nuevo Laredo and that Index assures it is growing in square feet occupation.