El Paso and Torreon sign agreement to boost U.S.-Mexico trade.

Category: News
Published: 2023-04-28
El Paso and Torreon sign agreement to boost U.S.-Mexico trade.

EL PASO, TX – The City of El Paso, Texas signed a twinning agreement with Torreon, Coahuila, with the objective of strengthening the relations of friendship and cooperation between both communities and strengthening better ties between Mexico and the United States.

The City of El Paso indicated that the agreement will allow establishing a legal framework to carry out collaborative activities in identified areas of common interest, in addition, the Parties will promote the implementation of specific projects to their public and/or private sectors, with the objective of exchanging technology, knowledge and professional education in the development of programs aimed primarily at promoting economic activity.

To achieve this objective, both cities will carry out collaborative activities to promote trade through the exchange of trade missions and participation in events such as exhibitions, trade fairs, seminars and business forums, with the intention of increasing the flow of goods and services.

In addition, the agreement also seeks to promote investment through the exchange of business missions, information on investment possibilities and business opportunities, as well as the identification and search of the operative legislation in force for the development of such efforts.

It also seeks to promote industry by collaborating in the design and implementation of strategies designed to stimulate local exports and promote cooperation between the two cities. In the area of tourism, participation in tourism forums is foreseen; in services oriented to this area; exchange of information on the characteristics of their respective markets, as well as the dissemination of the main tourist destinations and collaboration in national fairs in order to increase the dynamics of this economic sub-sector.

In cultural matters, mutual stimulus is sought in areas such as art, cinema, historical and geographical characteristics, as well as in the teaching of their respective languages and the exchange of students and academics.