Entrepreneurial alliance in Baja California

Category: News
Published: 2016-09-27

The State Clusters’ Council of Baja California, came forward with the objective of starting a program to promote each one of its members’ sectors, with a participation rate of at least 50% nationally.

The Regional Director of Development of the Ministry of Economic Development, Mario Ivan Martija, explained that this organization is made up from a representative of each of the following sectors: aerospace, medical tourism, manufacture of health devices, wine, and IT, that were certified by the ECA (European Cluster Alliance). Mr. Martija remarked that there are currently 25 companies in Mexico that have this certification; the highest one, located in Nuevo Leon, is the automotive industry, obtaining a gold grade. In the case of this council, four industrial sectors obtained bronze and one got a silver medal, as it promotes better practices, representativeness, non-dependence from government, etc.

Source: El Economista