Favorable working conditions exist in Baja California: Index

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-01

Industria Maquiladora y de Exportación (Index) Zona Costa, reported that in Baja California exist favorable working conditions and a close relationship between employers, authorities and employees.

The president of the agency Luis Manuel Hernandez Gonzalez, stressed that the maquiladoras of Tijuana, Rosarito, Tecate and Ensenada, have complied with the changes established in the recent Decree of the Northern Border.

“Baja California industries are already applying the increases established by the Federal Government in terms of wages, so workers are already seeing the benefits reflected in their payroll,” he said.

Hernandez Gonzalez expressed that the region is really dynamic and being neighbors with the United States, makes the market  easy to continue growing , and despite the changes that have been made in wage and tax material, entrepreneurs are looking for ways to be more productive despite increases in costs.