First Regional Center for Innovation and Economic Development for MSMEs is created

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-19

CHIHUAHUA – Fideicomiso Estatal para el Fomento de las Actividades Productivas del Estado de Chihuahua (Fideapech) and Universidad La Salle, signed a collaboration agreement for the creation of the first Regional Center for Innovation and Economic Development for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

This center will operate in the facilities of the university and seeks to promote business growth, innovation, training and attention to entrepreneurs, based on principles of inclusion and participation.

The general director of Fideapech, José de Jesús Jordán Orozco, recognized the commitment of Universidad La Salle to participate in this agreement and stressed that 99% of the industry in the state are MSMEs that generate around 50% of the product and 55% of the employment. 

“MSMEs produce great wealth for the state so they require specialized attention,” said Jordan Orozco.

Source: El Economista