Fishing activity boosted in Baja California

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-09

BAJA CALIFORNIA – Matias Arjona Rydalch, head of Secretaría de Pesca y Acuacultura Estatal, assured that they will benefit cucapás fishermen from the El Indiviso ejido, whom they have supported for the construction of facilities for reception, processing and shipping.

Arjona Rydalch said that the agency in charge has offered advice on marketing to the indigenous community cucapá, to have greater advantages in terms of the value chain of their products.

He indicated as well that this is an activity that represents significant income for the subsistence of its members, with great demand in the region and in the interior of the country in this season.

He added that they will support the fishing of curvina golfina of the community cucapá by investing US$104,905 on the road leading to El Zajón, in the Upper Gulf of California, which already began to work with heavy machinery.
