Hangzhou XZB Tech Co inaugurates automotive plant in Nuevo Leon

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-05

MONTERREY – Hangzhou XZB Tech Co, from China, started operations of its first plant in Mexico, which will produce high precision auto parts for the automotive industry inside the Hofusan Industrial Park, in the municipality of Salinas Victoria, with an initial investment of US$9 million.

“Among our customers are included world-renowned automakers such as Audi, Ford and General Motors. In the key components (of the automotive industry) we have the power to be a competitor of big companies to get a place in the market,” said Zheng Xiaoling, director of the company.

For his part, the undersecretary of Investment and Industrial Development of Nuevo Leon, Lorenzo Aguilar Camelo, said that this is the first plant of China to be inaugurated in the Hofusan Industrial Park, which is expected to install more Asian companies in the future.

It is important to remember that Hofusan is the result of the union between Holley Group, Futong Group and La Familia Santos, a project that includes areas for the installation of companies, commercial development and housing.

Source: El Economista