Hoteliers bet on local tourism

Category: Business, Logistics
Published: 2019-07-02
Hoteliers bet on local tourism

CIUDAD JUAREZ – In order to attract local tourism, city hoteliers are preparing a special summer program to offer discounts of up to 15% for those who stay on this border.

Martin Alonso Cisneros, president of the Association of Hotels and Motels of Ciudad Juarez, stated that during each vacation period is implemented a program to keep the balance since during this season the night-room occupancy falls by up to 15%.

Within this program the hotels offer discounts ranging from 10% to 15%, depending on the place chosen by the guest.

Ciudad Juárez keeps an average occupancy of between 65% and 70% derived from the business tourism that exists in the region, although during the vacation season the lodging falls considerably, being the summer season the most critical, due to the low influx of visitors.

During the Easter season, hoteliers report that they are also affected by a fall in the rent of room-nights, which forces them to explore another market such as local tourism, for example, those who stay in the city.

Source: El Diario de Juarez