IMSS has childcare spaces: INDEX

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-27

CIUDAD JUAREZ – Studies made by personnel of Industria Nacional de Exportación (INDEX) Juárez, in relation to child care spaces have detected that in the 35 nurseries of Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), there is capacity to accept children of parents working in the manufacturing industry sector, said Pedro Chavira, president of INDEX Juárez.

At the same time he stressed not being sure how old a child needs to be in order to be accepted, since spaces that take care of children in their early months of life have been saturated and there have been found more spaces where older children are taken care of.

The president of INDEX, stated that they are carrying out a mapping to determine how many IMSS independent nurseries exist in the city as well as their location with the objective of supporting employees who have their children in nurseries, where they will try to relocate them while solving the childcare issue or while some other solution is found.
