Industry loses US$800 million due to border delays: Concamin

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-11

CIUDAD JUAREZ – The president of Cámaras Industriales (Concamin), Francisco Cervantes, stated that the national industry reports losses of US$800 million per day. This is due to the slow passage of goods because of the lack of personnel in customs.

The leader pointed out that the border most affected is Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, because customs agents are in areas where more migrants enter.

In addition, he commented that the lines of attention for the passage of goods were reduced by two thirds. And stressed that the foreign minister is in talks with the United States to solve the situation.

While it is unknown how long the problem will last, Cervantes stated that industries are looking for solutions; among them is to adopt other routes such as maritime or air, especially in terms of the agrifood sector.

Source: Mundo Ejecutivo