Investments of US$1.2 billion agreed in Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2019-01-29

Secretaría de Economía adds two new investment projects for Coahuila, reaching 39 placement plans in the state, which total US$1.2 billion in investment, reported Jaime Guerra Perez, minister of Economy and Tourism of the State of Coahuila.

“For this year in particular, 39 projects in process in all regions of the state between expansions and new investments will be announced gradually, a total of 13,000 jobs in process and an investment of US$1,200 million with 3,000 occupations of the two new plans,” said Guerra Pérez.

A review of employment generated in 2018 shows that all sectors have growth, although there is only one branch that decreases, but of the nine economic items of employment, eight grow.

In the effort to bring a balanced development into the regions, the proportion that should be taken, according to the population they have, is 33% and 34% in the Southeast, 14% in the Center and North and 6% in the Carboniferous.

However, investors make their decisions based on where it suits them best, and in 2018 the southeast of Coahuila took more than 50% of the investments.