Investments sustain development and stability of Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-04

COAHUILA – More than US$2.5 billion is the total amount generated by the 48 investment projects that are confirmed so far in the state administration, which make Coahuila the national champion in attracting investment, reported governor of Coahuila, Miguel Riquelme.

This number, added the state governor, allowed the entity to be placed at the closure of 2018 as number one in Foreign Direct Investment per capita (FDI per capita), according to Secretaría de Economía federal, and as the third entity in total Foreign Direct Investment, only below Mexico City and Nuevo Leon.

Riquelme indicated that the 48 investment projects confirmed will generate more than 18,000 jobs, which will be added to the 48,000 created in 2018.

In addition, he assured that as a result of the coordinated work that since the beginning of the Administration is carried out in terms of economic development and employment generation, Coahuila currently has 82 total investment projects: the 48 mentioned above and 34 that are in process.

Source: El Diario de Coahuila