Laredo suffers from lack of water in the city

Category: News
Published: 2022-03-01
Laredo suffers from lack of water in the city

LAREDO – Due to the low water distribution pressure in the city of Laredo as a result of the rupture of the main water service line, Mayor Pete Saenz signed a local disaster declaration, which among other things, urges residents to avoid using water for non-essential activities while Public Utilities Department crews repair the damage in the affected areas.

Since February 23, 2022, the Mayor of Laredo has signed a local disaster declaration that states that city residents should avoid using water for non-essential purposes, including watering lawns, irrigation, washing vehicles, including commercial facilities, washing pavement or other outdoor surfaces, filling swimming pools, and operating fountains or ornamental ponds.

The declaration is due to expire as of March 2, unless renewed by the City Council, should repairs to restore service be prolonged.

“We are facing a major city problem, we must unite all Laredenses now more than ever and help each other. If you have water, we ask that you conserve it while those affected restore service. When we are in need, we all come together to help,” said Mayor Saenz.

According to information from City Hall, a low distribution pressure resulting from a line break and subsequent loss of water tank levels in certain affected areas, so since last February 18, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) required Laredo’s public water system to notify all customers to boil water before consumption (washing hands, face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc.) as a precautionary measure.

The most affected areas were located south of the city; while as of February 19, the City Council extended the notice to boil water, due to the fact that low pressures in the distribution network had already reached the Sierra Vista and Cuatro Vientos storage tanks.

In its last update, as of last Friday, February 25, the section of the damaged 36-inch water line on Frost Street had been successfully replaced, so crews were testing and recharging the pipe.

The City reported that once everything is complete, Utilities crews will begin to open the valves and slowly refill the line and water tanks in Lyon. During that process, water hydrants were discharged to release air from the system in the affected areas.

Also, it was indicated that the 12-inch water pipeline at Casa Blanca was in place and operational to help fill the tanks on Highway 359 that provide water to the colonias in that area. The Milmo elevated storage tank and the Sierra Vista elevated storage tank gained water levels over the weekend due to community conservation practices.

Currently, the Emergency Operations Center continues to assess the need in different areas and have added sites for water distribution.

Source: MEXICONOW Staff