Manufacturing production in Sonora is low

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-22

HERMOSILLO – Adjustments in manufacturing output in the last two years pushed foreign direct investment (FDI) down in Sonora, which only reached levels of US$250 million that period.

For the 3rd quarter of 2018 the indicator registered a negative balance of US$350 million, according to numbers from Secretaría de Economía federal.

For his part, Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco, professor of the Department of Economics at Universidad de Sonora, explained that the behavior of FDI has gone down in the last 10 years.

“In the last three years FDI for Sonora has dropped, reaching investment levels of US$250 million per year in the last two years, but coming from an average investment of US$760 million in the last 10 years,” he pointed out.

Source: El Imparcial