Matamoros’ labor conflict left US$5 billion in losses

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-08

MATAMOROS – The labor conflict in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, which ended last April 3rd, left losses of US$5 billion in production chains, investments and generation of jobs that were stopped to a halt.

“I estimated around US$5 billion between economic losses due to stoppages, investments that had been announced and the employment that would have been generated in the coming months,” indicated Luis Aguirre Lang, president of Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora y Manufacturera de Exportación (Index).

The conflict, which lasted 82 days, generated stoppages and strikes in 80 companies of Matamoros, which took place in unique political, social and security conditions, which were unsuccessfully replicated in Reynosa, Nogales, Tijuana, Mexicali and Ciudad Juárez.

“It is a very painful lesson, very costly for the country, in this global economic outlook that affects us, this issue generated sensibility in others cities that tried follow the footsteps of Matamoros”, stressed the president of INDEX.   

He stated that there are no more firms in the maquiladora sector with stoppages or strikes.

Source: El Economista