Mexicali will invest US$1.3 million in paving

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-08

MEXICALI – Francisco Javier Paredes Rodriguez, Director of Junta de Urbanización de Gobierno del Estado, indicated that by 2019 a total of US$1.3 million will be invested in paving for Mexicali and its valley.

The paving work includes sectors of the State Highway Network 1, 2, 4 and 8. The residents of Islas Agrarias, Ejido Mérida, Los Algodones, Ciudad Morelos, Lázaro Cárdenas, Colonia Venustiano Carranza and Michoacán de Ocampo will benefit. 

The director of Junta de Urbanización indicated that in the valley areas of Mexicali, they face with the problem of the circulation of heavy cargo transport, which in many occasions doesn’t take care of the transfers. He indicated that from 2013 to now, more than one million square meters of asphalt have been rehabilitated in the urban area.