Mexico and France strengthen alliance in aerospace sector

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-21

MEXICO – In order to strengthen the relationship between the country’s federative entities and France in terms of aerospace industry, a collaboration agreement was signed between Cámara de Comercio Franco Mexicana (CCFM) and Federación Mexicana de la Industria Aeroespacial (Femia).

The goal is to analyze the objectives and scopes proposed in the Femia-CCFM collaboration agreement, as well as projects already underway such as Centro de Innovación y Diseño in Baja California and the formation of Comité de Gestión de Competencias.

Regarding to Centro de Innovación y Diseño, , Fernando Jaime Arzate, director of Vinculación de la Cámara de Comercio Franco Mexicana, explained that this is a space in which companies and entrepreneurs will access technology and services of Industry 4.0 to raise their innovation capabilities in areas of design, engineering and digital manufacturing.

The total investment of the center, which will be located in the technological consortium of Tijuana, amounts to US$1.1 million, of which US$1.0 million were contributed by Secretaría de Economía federal; the relevance of being located in Baja California is that the entity concentrates the largest number of companies in the aerospace sector.

He stressed that some of the people involved in this project, which was planned for about two years, are Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico of Baja California and the State government, among other institutions.

Source: El Economista