More Japanese investment in Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2016-05-26

Akira Yamada, Japan’s Ambassador in Mexico, communicated the intention of several executives from his Home Country to consolidate more investment projects in Coahuila, for an amount close to US$124 million, during a reunion with Coahuila’s Governor, Ruben Moreira Valdez.

The Diplomat underscored that security, education, skilled labor and the strategic geographic location of the State, are among the main topics up for discussion. Jose Antonio Gutierrez Jardon, Ministry of Economic Development and Competitiveness, was also present during the reunion, where the undertakings by the State Government to support new investment, were reviewed. During this administration, more than 120,000 jobs have been created in the State of Coahuila, exceeding the initial 100,000 goal set for the whole six-year term. Some of the principal Japanese projects have been Takata Acuña, Takata Torreon, Sanden, Vuteq, Kugami, Higuchi, Toyota Boshoku, Yazaki and Sumitomo, besides keeping close contact with JETRO.

Source: Zocalo Saltillo