More maquiladoras will arrive in Reynosa

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-04

REYNOSA – A group of new maquiladora companies will be installed in the region during the next semester. The plants could be located in Parque Industrial Norte Villa Florida, in the area near the Monterrey exit.

Martha Ramos Morales, director of Asociación de Maquiladoras (INDEX), in Reynosa did not reveal the number of jobs projected, but explained that the annual estimates are around 13,000 places.

“It is already completed, we know that it will be developed this year, but in the coming weeks we will be able to make the formal announcement, the transformation industry is very stable, is the message we want to give, everyone can have confidence in future plans, the company is very solid”, said Ramos Morales.

Currently, there are 34 companies operating in this city dedicated to the manufacture of automotive equipment, electrical, mechanical, technological, medical, among others.

Source: La Tarde