New Border Crossing benefits the international trade

Category: News
Published: 2016-02-08

The new Port of Entrance (Puerto de Entrada) and the Tornillo-Guadalupe International Bridge were recently inaugurated. The event was headed by President Enrique Peña Nieto, accompanied by Penny Pritzker, Minister of Trade in the U.S., and Jeh Johnson, Minister of the American National Security.

Both projects were made and designed to increase the international trade, enhance the environmental conditions and lighten the traffic jam in the metropolitan area of El Paso-Ciudad Juarez. The Puerto de Entrada will replace the Port of Fabens-Caseta, built in 1938, which will connect Tornillo, in Texas with Guadalupe, in Mexico. For its part, the Tornillo-Guadalupe project will increase the capacity and number of traffic lanes of the bridge and the Port of Entrance. It will also attract commercial traffic, as well pedestrians and passenger vehicles, allowing the crossing between the U.S. and Mexico, making more fluent the border trade.

Source: INDEX