New center focuses on resilient materials

Category: News
Published: 2016-06-01

University of California researchers are joining forces with their counterparts in Baja California to design, manufacture and test materials that can withstand high temperatures and other extreme conditions. The new collaboration aims to create materials and systems that can function in a range of environments, such as ultra-high and ultra-low temperatures, radiation and extreme pressures.

Dubbed the CaliBaja Center for Resilient Materials and Systems, the center involves researchers from National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Ensenada. Also participating are researchers from the Mexico’s Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) in Ensenada. The center joins experts on both sides of the border who specialize in developing materials that can survive extremely acidic environments of biological systems, extreme temperatures and pressures affecting aircraft, and high radiation environments of nuclear reactors. The findings could have application for the aerospace and biomedical sectors, with growth potential in Baja California.