
Arizona tourism generated US$70.1 million during 2019

ARIZONA – Arizona experienced its best year ever for tourism in 2019, including setting an all-time high for Arizonans employed by travel industry jobs directly supported by visitor spending, according to new research released by the Arizona...


Nikola to invest US$600 million in Arizona

COOLIDGE – Nikola Corporation, a Phoenix-based global transportation leader in zero-emissions and infrastructure solutions, is one step closer to bringing a 1 million-square-foot manufacturing facility to Coolidge, Ariz following an official...


Laredo employment recovers in June

LAREDO - Unemployment in Laredo bounced back substantially in June, dropping to 101% from 141% in May, according to data from the Texas Workforce Commission This means over 4,000 people got back to their jobs in June, said Rogelio...


New Mexico proposes 98% gas capture

NEW MEXICO - A unit of New Mexico’s Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) unveiled a draft rule in conjunction with the state’s first comprehensive methane regulations The draft rule from EMNRD’s Oil Conservation...


Sonora reports US$3.3 million in losses due to railroad lockout

VICAM – Ten days after the blockade of the railway in the town of Vicam, Sonora, Ferromex has reported losses of more than US$33 million This situation affected about 50 companies, as well as national and international traffic, reported Jose...


Chihuahua’s tourism helps attract FDI

CHIHUAHUA – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chihuahua’s entire tourism value chain has been dedicated to supporting the rest of the economic activities and thus ensuring the arrival of investments; likewise, work has been done to...


COVID-19 decreased 32% of foreign trade revenues

CIUDAD JUAREZ — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, during May Ciudad Juarez Border Customs received almost US$44 million less in foreign trade than it did during the same period of 2019 According to data from the Tax Administration Service...


Exports grew 760% with NAFTA

MEXICO – Thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican exports diversified and grew almost eight times According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) and the Bank of Mexico, in 1994, when...


Apple allocates more than US$400 million in California

CALIFORNIA – Apple is allocating more than US$400 million toward affordable housing projects and homeowner assistance programs in California this year, marking a major milestone in the company’s multiyear US$25 billion commitment to combat...


California prune industry remains strong during pandemic

CALIFORNIA – The prune industry in California appears to be weathering the market disruptions created by the COVID-19 pandemic fairly well The nature of the commodity itself and the overall prune market provide for relative stability as the...