
Maquiladora industry boosted the construction sector in Juarez

JUAREZ – The reactivation of 90% of the maquiladora industry in Juarez boosted the construction sector, which returned to the list of essential activities in early June Luis Mario Baeza Cano, local president of the Mexican Chamber of the...


Vehicle and electronics exports to the U.S. drop in May

MEXICO – The historic 48% annual drop in exports from Mexico to the United States seen in April mainly affected vehicles, machinery and electronic manufacturing products, said the US Census Bureau These three items alone represent 50% of...


The Past, Present and Future: Cultural Success When Conducting Business in Mexico

GlobalAutoIndustrycom’s latest Audio Interview “The Past, Present and Future: Cultural Success When Conducting Business in Mexico” features Ricardo Nunez  Mr Nunez founded Detroit, Michigan-based, NEGIS Núñez Enterprises Global...


Tucson International Airport evolving in the age of COVID-19

TUCSON – Tucson International Airport will start requiring all guests to wear face masks Visitors must wear a face covering in the main terminal, the C gates building, the Rental Car Center and TAA Parking facilities including the shuttles and...


Arizona tourism officials promote staycations

ARIZONA – The Arizona Office of Tourism is launching a campaign aimed at getting Arizonans out and about in their own backyard, supporting businesses and attractions that have struggled due to the coronavirus pandemic For the first 60 days,...


New Mexico public fund to provide capital for small businesses

NEW MEXICO –The New Mexico State Investment Council (SIC) fund is offering financing to in-state businesses, an alternative to federally funded loans for small and mid-sized companies that are heavy in requirements and often reserved...


Workers return to Mexico's border factories

CIUDAD JUAREZ – Tens of thousands of workers lined up before dawn to return to work at automotive factories along Mexico’s northern border, the first day that industries joined the country’s list of essential activities beginning...


Mexican exports to the U.S. fall 48% in April

MEXICO - Mexican exports to the United States totaled US$158 billion during April, representing a 48% decrease at an annual rate, according to the US Census Bureau The COVID-19 pandemic caused the trade relationship between the two countries to...


Canaco presents protocol for the economic reactivation of Ciudad Juárez

CIUDAD JUAREZ – The National Chamber of Commerce (Canaco) of Ciudad Juarez presented a protocol for the reactivation and economic recovery of businesses Although there isn’t a date yet for non-essential shopping centers and businesses to...


COVID-19 affected Chihuahua's processing industry

CHIHUAHUA – According to data issued by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), in Chihuahua the sector that has lost more jobs in recent months is the processing industry, with a total of 9,351 jobs lost in the entity Followed by the...