NM wants to strengthen cybersecurity in the state

Category: News
Published: 2022-09-28
NM wants to strengthen cybersecurity in the state

NEW MEXICO – New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the signing of an executive order establishing a new Cybersecurity Planning Committee to guide the state’s initiatives to protect information security and privacy in the state.

“It is more critical than ever to defend New Mexicans against the growing threats of cyberattacks. As hackers become more sophisticated, it is vital for the state to safeguard private information and protect against threats to services and infrastructure,” said Gov. Luján Grisham.

The committee will work to plan and develop robust cyberinfrastructure to address risks and threats to state and local government-owned information systems. The committee will also advise state government on needed cybersecurity legislation and support applications for federal funding to address cybersecurity needs and challenges.

In addition, the committee will include cybersecurity professionals, to be appointed by the governor, from state agencies, school districts, counties, cities and tribal communities.

The New Mexico Department of Information Technology (DoIT), the state’s primary technology service provider, will be actively involved in protecting and supporting state agencies with cybersecurity solutions.

According to the New Mexico government, the committee will work with DoIT to provide recommendations and advice on funding opportunities for cybersecurity infrastructure.

Governor Lujan Grisham has also issued a proclamation designating October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month and reminded all New Mexicans of the importance of being diligent when using the Internet.

“The Cybersecurity Executive Order will lead to additional funding and help improve our state’s cybersecurity posture and control maturity for schools, local governments and tribal territories. I look forward to working with the task force and am excited to achieve the best possible cybersecurity posture for the state,” said Raja Sambandam, the state’s chief information security officer.