Nuevo Leon industry increases production

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-27

NUEVO LEON – Despite facing problems that complicated the operation of the companies during the beginning of this year, the manufacturing industry of Nuevo Leon registered a reactivation in its indicators.

In its most recent economic expectations report, Cámara de la Industria de Transformación de Nuevo León (Caintra) explained that this happened after the last two months of 2018 when the sector was in a contraction phase

Caintra noted that this was reflected in the physical volume of production, which expanded to 55 points (above 50 points is considered to exceed the threshold) during January.

“Production presented this upturn encouraged by a greater demand for products, mainly from abroad, the reactivation of the sector was in line with what was anticipated and in tune with the normalization of economic activity in the state,” he stressed.

Also, another index that showed significant growth in the first month of the year was the one corresponding to new orders, which went from 44.81 to 55.88 points from December to January, according to the report.

Caintra mentioned that these advances occur in a scenario of contrasts, since in this same period the factors that slowed industrial performance increased and diversified.

Source: El Horizonte