Nuevo Leon looking for Chinese investment

Category: News
Published: 2016-11-18

In the framework of the Nuevo Leon’s authorities commercial mission through China, presided by the Governor Jaime Rodriguez, there was a second reunion with executives from Baic automotive, in the city of Beijing.

This Company has the intention of opening an assembly plant in Mexico to produce electric vehicles. Moreover, during the Shanghai visit, the authorities of Nuevo Leon met with executives from Great Wall Motors, a wagon station, SUV and sedan cars manufacturer, with the intention of presenting the State to be a potential destination for future investment projects. Also, in the city of Hangzhou, there was a reunion with directors and suppliers of the corporations Holley Group and Futong Group, investors of the Hofusan industrial project in the municipality of Salinas Victoria, with the purpose of attracting more investors from Asia into the State. Holley Group and Futong Group will invest an estimate of roughly US$400 million in the Hofusan Industrial Park.

Source: El Economista