Quebec is interested in Baja California’s aerospace industry

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-01

TIJUANA – Diplomatic representatives and directors of four aerospace companies in Quebec made an exploratory visit to Tijuana, which could generate the arrival of new investments in the medium term.

During a meeting with the staff of Desarrollo Económico e Industrial of Tijuana (Deitac), the Delegate of Quebec, Canada, in Mexico, Stéphanie Allard-Gomez, said that this exploratory tour has the mission of promoting business development between the two countries.

She explained that in Mexico there are around 700 Québec companies, most of them are representative offices of large companies, and about 40 manufacturing industries in the automotive and aerospace sectors among which Bombardier stands out.

“In this first exploration visit we were surprised by the benefits that Tijuana offers for the operation of all types of industries, so we are confident that in the near future a company from our province will expand its operations in this region,” concluded Allard-Gomez.

Source: El Economista