Real estate sector forecasts growth in Baja California

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-18

BAJA CALIFORNIA – Despite structural changes in many government institutions the real estate sector has good growth expectations for 2019, said Gabriela Cerezo Morales, president of Consejo Estatal de Profesionales Inmobiliarios del Estado de Baja California (Cepi bc).

She explained that due to the changes originated from Gobierno Federal, many federal institutions are having a major restructuring, this will be a complicated year for the sector.

However, she said that despite this, I’ll be seek to generate a link with new representatives of the agencies not to interrupt the work.

“I believe in the economic prospects or development that we will be having in the state, regardless of all these economic challenges and linkage with the new government, we have very good expectations that we will continue to grow,” said Cerezo Morales.

Source: La Cronica